
The Tourist Guide of Danube Delta gastronomic culture is finally here!
Tourist Guide of Danube Delta gastronomic culture
project created and implemented by ANTREC Tulcea
and co-financed by Tulcea County Council
The Tourist Guide of Danube Delta gastronomic culture is finally here, a project created and implemented by ANTREC Tulcea and co-financed by Tulcea County Council, being inspired by the Danube Delta Fish Borscht Festival.
A land known and appreciated, especially for its natural attractions, for the wildness of the landscape and the richness of biodiversity, the Danube Delta has an element of invaluable importance, namely the deltaic locals! Thus, this guide aims to present a small part of the lesser known side of Danube Delta, namely that of the culture and history of the civilizations of the locals in Danube Delta, with an emphasis on traditional cuisine.
The purpose of this promotional material is for you, local or tourist, to become a promoter of civilized tourism, sustainable, non-invasive, designed and carried out directly with authentic locals or natives, who love and respect Danube Delta, considered an integral part of the deltaic ecosystem.
You will find in the content of the testimonial guide about the Danube Delta, fishing tradition, fish prestige and culinary art, about Danube river between mythology and reality, why the Danube Delta is exceptional, elements of local folklore, historical landmarks about Danube Delta and the deltaic man, examples of sustainable and civilized tourism in the Danube Delta and other information.